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Quran Prayers

   1:6  1:7  2:127  2:128  2:201  2:250  2:286  3:8  3:9  3:16  3:38  3:53  3:147  3:193  3:194  5:83  5:84  7:23  7:126  10:85  10:86  11:47  12:101  14:35  14:40  14:41  17:24  17:80  18:10  20:25  20:26  20:27  20:28  20:114  21:83  21:87  21:89  23:29  23:97  23:98  23:109  23:118  25:65  25:74  26:83  26:84  26:85  27:19  28:16  28:21  28:22  28:24  29:30  37:75  37:100  38:35  43:13  43:14  46:15  54:10  59:10  60:4  60:5  66:8  66:11  68:29  71:28


(Fathe Muhammad Jalandari)
? ǟ 혪 ( ) ϐ ̪ . 28:21

(Muhammad Assad)
 28:21 So he went forth from thence, looking fearfully about him, and prayed: O my Sustainer! Save me from all evildoing folk!28:21

(Yousaf Ali)
 28:21 He therefore got away therefrom, looking about, in a state of fear. He prayed "O my Lord! save me from people given to wrong-doing."28:21