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 وَفِي الْأَرْضِ آيَاتٌ لِّلْمُوقِنِينَ 51:20  وَفِي أَنفُسِكُمْ أَفَلَا تُبْصِرُونَ 51:21

AND ON EARTH there are signs [of God’s exis­tence, visible] to all who are endowed with inner certainty (51:20) just as [there are signs thereof] within your own selves: can you not, then, see? (51:21)

The Glorious Quran is the last and final revelation of Allah(swt) for mankind descended on to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)...

There are 100s of good reasons to believe and prove Quran as a divine scripture and to make people realize that it was impossible for any human to produce a book with such astonishing truths about the universe, about the Earth, the Sun , Moon and the Humans as well...

Moreover, the text of the Quran itself says that its been descended from the Great Creator Allah(swt), read the astonishing arrangement of mathematical sequence in Quranic text, and think was it possible for some human to do that calculations (Read Mathematics In Quran)

The Glorious Quran told us how the universe came into existence, (Read Big Bang of The Glorious Quran)

At the time when people believed that the Earth was flat, Quran revealed that no the Earth is spherical in shape and is exactly like an Ostrich egg, just think, who could know it other than the Creator Allah(swt) (Read Quran Tells Earth Is Spherical)

Now 1400 Years ago, was it possible for someone to say that Sun rotates, well be honest to yourself, do not just slip away if Quran has mentioned it that Sun rotates and now we know that it is true, then you decide who would know it at that time (Read Quran Tells Sun Rotates)

Quran tells us that Mountains act like stakes or tent pegs that hold the Earth’s crust and give it stability and now we know that its very right, again scientists have only recently discovered this truth (Read Mountains Are Tent Pegs Of The Earth)

Quran told us that there is a barrier between sweet and salt water and for years humans remained confused what it meant but now we agree that yes Quran is right (Read Barrier Between Sweet And Salt Water)

You want to know more! Quran tells you that you were a drop emitted from between the back bone and the ribs and guess what Quran is right (Read Drop Emitted From Between The Back Bone And The Ribs)

Not agreed yet! Ok here is more, Quran tells that in your mother's womb you were protected by three veils of darkness (Read Foetus Protected By Three Veils Of Darkness)

And there is more if you want to know! Quran tells you how exactly you looked like during your embryological stages, is it not amazing that Quran described the exact shape of human embryo while microscopes were invented years after that (Read Humans In Embryological Stages)

I hope that would be enough to believe that Quran is a divine scripture, be honest to yourself start reading The Glorious Quran so that you may know the truths and somehow if you are still not convinced, ok (Read More Signs )